ABV: 5.1% • IBU:8
House Beer • Draft
A sweet and fruity nose leads to a light effervescent mouthfeel. Additions of Scandinavian cloudberries provide a pleasant sourness that is balanced with sweet apricot. Ver heil ok sael!
A wildly popular and modern American beer style, Fruited Kettle Sours are brewed using the “kettle sour” process, wherein lactobacillus is pitched directly into the kettle to sour the wort. Once the desired PH level (“sourness”) is achieved, the wort is boiled to stop the process (kill off the bacteria) and then hopped and fermented as normal. Fruit (juice, purée, whole, zest, etc.) is then added after primary fermentation or maturation, but some brewers may add fruit during fermentation or barrel-aging too. Color, aroma, flavor, and sourness will differ greatly based on the brewer’s intent, fruits being used, and other ingredients, but many examples share a tart, fruity, crisp, and refreshing experience.
Neon Viking is brewed with German Pilsner, American Malted Wheat, Vienna Walt, Hallertau Mittlefrau hops, Cloudberry and Apricot.
Can complement light, fruity dishes; best served as a companion with after-meal foods like desserts featuring fruit or dark chocolate.
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The Guardian Brewing Company
The MadJax Maker Space
514 E. Jackson St
Muncie, IN 47305